Sports Forums

Mission: Make SPORTS culture as the second nature of the community in every house similar to watching TV today for entertainment.

Things have certainly improved in the past few years and are getting better with initiatives like Khelo India and private IPL style events for kabaddi, football, badminton etc. but we still have a long way to go.

Hence now is the time, that we need to develop sports culture by promoting every possible type of game at the town/village level in India.

Today we celebrate when our Olympic participants win a couple of gold, medals but with the right support, every village and town in India has the potential to produce sporting legends who can win laurels for the country.

Picture this: Olympics is underway, and India is on top of the medal tally. Villages across India are glued to the television screens because every district has sent at least one player for the games. The winners are celebrated and cheered and they in turn inspire thousands more to take up the sports! This can be a reality if all of us come together to put some thought, expertise and funding.

While the government is working towards creating schemes to support children who have the potential to make it big, there is a greater need to develop a sporting culture in our towns and villages to enable more children to consider sports seriously. This is the vision of TownSol.

We want TownSol members to identify sports that can be promoted in their town, suggest ideas to play sports as a part of their town’s culture and bring initiatives that can be discussed and brought to fruition.

Government schemes -
Sports Education Institutes -

A few Topics to get your thinking.

1. What are the sports activities currently happening in the district or what major sports are currently being played in your district?
2. What sports facilities are currently available in your district?
3. What are the reasons that a particular sport is not yet developed in the district?
5. What Govt schemes and support structures are available for sports in the district?
6. What additional help, government schemes or infrastructure, is required to promote or motivate sports activities?
7. Are schools at village level involved in sports and if not, then what can be done by us to promote it?